Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Are You Ready?

For another completely random Joanna update? I don't even know if I am! Hmm, so, what to update? The new job is going well, the first week was a bit sketchy, but I've caught on fast and its a good time mostly. I enjoy working with Carey, the dental therapist, we get along well. That's always a plus. Uh, Heath Ledger died. That was a sad day. I've been kinda cooped up in the house this week due to the weather and girliness. We had a huge blizzard Sunday night/Monday. Because of that, the highways weren't safe to travel on, so Carey & Kylee (other therapist) couldn't make it from PA. I had to go in and cancel a lot of appointments and rebook them. It wasn't so bad actually. I had two pairs of pants plus ski pants, a bunnyhug, and my usual bundles. It was about -44 that day and yesterday was -47 I think. I stayed in the house all day. I'm actually quite excited or maybe just anxious to go back to work tomorrow. I'm so bored! It should be good, I'll be getting paid at least! Then I'll be able to pay God and mom again. The IOU was getting quite big! Oh yeah, Cody and I ended our relationship. I finally decided to listen to God and not just my emotions. That usually makes life way more enjoyable, not necessarily easier, but being in God's will is a good place to be. Another thing I learned this month is that it is way too frustrating trying to do your taxes online, especially if you can't find the Canadian site you used last year! So another part of my paycheck will be going to a qualified, less stressed (maybe) accountant! Also, tomorrow shall be a wonderful evening of LOST season premiere! I'm so excited! I can't think of anything else to update. The end.

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