Saturday, January 06, 2007

God Showed Up!

Okay, so this is pretty rough, I just copied it from an msn convo, but I think it's all there.

i helped Eryn and Dan haul stuff over to the christian acadamy and then we all (nic was there too) started talking out side. talked about a bunch of stuff, and dan was saying how God moves and jazz like that. something struck a chord with me, so we get in nic's van and follow Eryn around...anyways...
nic and i weren't even out of the drive way and i told her that i'd made an appointment with Gavin to get help for anorexia...we met up and were driving with Eryn and picked lana up. before lana Eryn said she felt a shiver or something, but didn't say what it was. so we get Lana and decide to go pray somewhere, for all the people who are coming to bridge on sunday
we did that, then Eryn said "i think Jo has a testimony" i was confused, thinking she meant like the whole, i grew up in a christian home yadda yadda...but i knew what she meant. so i told them what i'd told nic and they prayed for me. then we prayed for this tyler guy who was supposed to stay with Ty & Deb...they prayed for me again, this time against the power of satan in my life.
it was, to say the least, intense. they prayed about stuff i'd never told anyone. about lies i'd been hearing that no one else knew mattered.
then Eryn told me to lift my head up (i was cryin and hunched over with my head down) that God didn't condem me, but wants to lift me up. it was a struggle against the voices, but i lifted it up. once i did, i felt like i was on a mountain surrounded by sunlight. nicole told me i needed to declare that i am worthy of love and that i am beautiful. it was so hard to say those things out loud
finally i just yelled them out, along with telling Satan he had no power and a bunch of other things. Eryn, after prayer, said she'd seen a snake, brilliant orange in color. we don't know what it means, but we prayed against it too. also, that shiver she had, was a premonition or whatever that i would be healed from my depression!
man God is amazing! we drove around looking for the Tyler kid, but couldn't find him, so we went over to Helen Szpakowski's and had an intense prayer/prophesy time there. everyone was prayed over. God just revealed so much stuff to everyone and it was an amazing time.
for the first time in a long while, i smiled without forcing it. i ate, without hating myself. I truly believe God has healed me, but know too that I have a long road ahead because the Enemy doesn't want me to have this power, he's gonna try real hard to get it back.
i know that loving myself is going to take time and patience, but what i feel now i don't want to lose. i never want to feel unworthy or unbeautiful ever again.


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