Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Well, I've been living at Carmen & Daune's for over 24 hours now. Pretty much all I've done is watch the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings. Pretty intense. There are actually quite a few scenes added to it that uh, add to it. I had an amazing sleep last night. It was delicious. I'm pretty bored now. I have to buy food too, they're not going to be back til probably Friday. I guess I won't be working with Dylan this week. And yet, I'm still at their house. It's kinda weird being here without them. I guess it's practice for when they go to the East coast later in the month. I'll be here again then. I think I'll be at their house more than my own this month. I'm okay with that right now. Other than clothes & such, nothing is there for me. Tomorrow, I'm going to a ladies Bible study at Lorenda's. It should be interesting. It will be nice to be around girls my own age. I love the ladies at church, they've all made me feel really welcome there, but I do miss people my own age too. If anyone wants to come visit, that'd be awesome! I'm getting kinda lonely, and it hasn't been that long. I'm such a baby haha. I'm going to see if I can have another amazing sleep. Blog ya later!

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