The dear old groundhog from Pennsylvania did not see his shadow today, meaning an early spring! Hooray! When the number of months of winter outnumber the months of the other seasons, its nice to believe in some silliness that might possibly bring us warmer weather.
Today I had quite a good day. Considering that last week I mostly wanted to just crawl under a rock and not play nice with others, this is an improvement. The morning was fairly normal, not a lot of calls or paper work. Lunch was late, but delicious. Logan and I mostly worked on his Media Studies homework for the afternoon. So much fun! I got a little carried away with details and perfectionism, but I think he probably appreciated the way things turned out. Either way, he has one good looking scrapbook on its way!
Four minutes in, and I'm stuck. Hmm...something meaningful. Meaning. Ful. Mean. Ing. Ful. How can a word describe something, and yet be the definition of being hurtful? To have meaning, or to be mean to others. English language, you've baffled me yet again. And who decided that baffled was a good emotional descriptor?! Some people's ancestors.
So, I'm back home where there is my own bed and a shower. The other place only had a tub. It was interesting. I really enjoyed my time there; the quiet, freedom, space, and playing hostess were wonderful. We've already agreed I would do it again if/when they needed me to.
I got a letter/ad from my bank saying that I'm eligible to upgrade to a credit card that collects points that can go towards travel. It sounds like a great opportunity, especially since I use mine so often. Shopaholic tendencies benefiting wanderlust? Yes, please!
I'm still not sure that what I'm writing is meaningful. I figured I'd start out back on this blog, writing about my days like I used to and just defrag my brain a bit in the process. Yes, I think its going to be a good thing. Of course, there will be some things and days that I don't want to mention, but that's the joy of choosing my words.
I was just thinking about another challenge/deal I made with a friend before she went to travel around Australia/New Zealand. The challenge was for me to lose 10lbs by the time she gets back at the end of April. So far, I think I may have gone to the gym 3 times. Eek! It wasn't very manageable with the location of the house, and the lack of a gym partner. Plus, it was ridiculously cold most of the time I've been house sitting. I know, excuses, excuses! Now that I'm back at home, I hope it is easier to go, and less tempting to just stay home. I really do want to accomplish this, not only to hold up my end, but for my own personal health and well being. I'm tired of, well, being tired! Also, I would really like the outfits I've been buying online to be more flattering, and less binding! I think I just need to get motivated again, and not give up so easily. I really do like working out, I like the sweat and the burn I feel when I'm making progress. Plus, losing a couple pounds and inches feels amazing along the way! I'm pretty sure I haven't put on any weight since we made this deal, so I don't think I've done myself more damage. Other than having to start over with my endurance and muscle tone. I know I can do it, I just need to get over my laziness! The benefits greatly outweigh (no pun intended, but always implied) the option of continuing to do nothing.
This writing is a lot harder, like I've said, than I originally thought. I know I have a blank notebook in my room that I can dig out to take with me so that I'm not always relying on blogger to get my thoughts down. The fact that its Wizard of Oz themed may help as well.
I have to mention again how excited I am to go check out Briercrest! I'm literally counting the days. 14 left! Two weeks, and I'll be on the road with a friend to find out what this place I'll be spending the next four years of my life is like. I'm looking forward to seeing my Meadow Lake friends there, too. I barely saw them at all during the Christmas break and I really miss them.
I'm basically out of rambling ideas, and I think I've fulfilled my 30 minutes for today. On to the adventure of decorating my workplace for my boss' 50th birthday tomorrow. I hope he's surprised and enjoys the effort!
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